tarot 1-2-3

Learn how to read tarot cards in three easy steps.

How does the card make you feel?

Pull a card from your tarot deck and record your immediate thoughts.
What sensory responses are you experiencing?
What colors stand out to you the most? Do they affect your mood? How so?
Does the overall scene in the card remind you of anything? What? When? Where?

What's happening in the card?

Examine the card thoroughly, recording what you see.
What's happening in the scene?
If there are figures, who could they be and what are they doing?
What's going on in the background?

Now, shape your thoughts into a story...

Although there are general meanings assigned to each tarot card, reading them intuitively means they can represent whatever constructs and/or people that resonate with you.
While you are encouraged to explore the thoughts of others, always pay special attention to your own gut instincts about a card—How does it make you feel? What’s happening in the card and why? After recording your thoughts, shape them into a story.