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Courts of Personality Character Development Resource

Do you want to refine your new novel’s cast of characters into memorable personalities that stay with your readers long after they finish your book?


Would you like to dive deeper into the heart, body, mind, and spirit of your characters so they can carry your story to places even YOU haven’t yet imagined?


Would you like to uncover hidden aspects of your characters’ personalities that even you, the author, haven’t established yet?


Could you benefit from learning how the tarot’s Court cards can serve as muses and avatars for your characters?


The Courts of Personality Character Development Resource is an abundant exploration of the tarot’s Court cards from the fictional character lens.


This fillable and/or printable workbook includes:


  • a comprehensive analysis of the Court cards’ personality traits and the qualities each can offer to the fictional character.
  • an examination of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) constructs from the lens of each Court card—Use what you learn to help define your characters’ unique traits so they translate as authentic personalities your readers can believe in and champion.
  • a fun activity to help you envision your characters as the Court cards in your own story.


Prices subject to change without notice. All sales are final. No refunds. For the best results, open and use this document on your computer. Please remember to save your work!


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Courts of Personality Character Development Resource

$28.00 Regular Price
$22.22Sale Price

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